Diwali always comes with a new message of hope and gaiety.
It also brings with it an opportunity to introspect on what it means to lead a life of Dharma. This word is often found incorrectly translated as religion. It has many other meanings with subtle differences, but ‘religion’ is not one of them.

Dharma refers to our human duty or discerned responsibility, inspired by and dedicated to the Universal Consciousness that unifies us all. That consciousness is our source and our destination. It is one where all our differences arise and dissolve. It is the One that powers the Sun, as also our mind-body-intellect.
From this Divine consciousness which transcends all fractured identities, arises our dharma, our human duty to help create joy and happiness for every one. We celebrate the victory of good over evil, of light over darkness, of knowledge over ignorance, but this battle is truly a perpetual one, within ourselves, that we must win each year, each day, each moment of our lives.
Wish everyone a joyous victory! Shubh Deepawali.
Mukta Baxi says:
Very nice. Happy Deepawali